On Sunday, September 1, 2024, we retired our logo of a tree and our mission statement: "Rooted in Grace. Growing in Christ. Reaching out in Love."
The logo and mission statement have been good to us. For the past several years, they have helped us focus on what's important. We are now ready for a new chapter in the life of our congregation.
That being said, we didn't want to "retire the tree" without giving thanks for what has come before. As a result, we planted a tree and dedicated it in thanksgiving for God and the faithfulness of the many generations of First Presbyterian Church.
Here's what Pastor Sara Hodsden said at the dedication:
In the Scriptures, the people of God raise memorials to what God has accomplished in this place or that. These memorials remind us of God’s faithfulness in the past and the future. We plant this tree today as a living sign of God’s faithfulness in the past and our pledge to be faithful into the future.
Let us pray…
Almighty God, we thank you for your many blessings today. We praise you for this church and are grateful for the generations who have worshipped and served through this congregation. As we take up their mantle, let us not forget their sacrifices and the hope we have in You. We ask that this tree be a memorial of your love.
As the roots of this tree go deeply into the ground, we pray that we reach deeply into your grace. Let your mercy be our foundation and a source of life.
As this tree grows, we pray that we will grow into better disciples of Jesus Christ. Help us to follow his example and to be his witnesses in a world that desperately needs to hear the good news.
As the leaves of this tree reach out, we pray that this congregation will continue to reach out in love, both in word and deed.
In a difficult time for the Hebrew people, you told the prophet Jeremiah to plant gardens. Similarly, Martin Luther once said, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”
We plant this tree today not because of our confidence in the world or ourselves. Instead, we know that you hold the future, and we are your children. We are your family of faith. Help us remain faithful to your mission to love you and all people.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.